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NL2 Reading List

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(See also the NL1 Reading List).​

  • Grahame Castor and Terence Cave, eds, Neo-Latin and the Vernacular in Renaissance France (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1984)
  • Dorothy Gabe Coleman, The Gallo-Roman Muse: Aspects of Roman Literary Tradition in Sixteenth-Century France (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979)
  • Contemporaries of Erasmus: A Biographical Register of the Renaissance and Reformation, Peter G. Bietenholz, editor; Thomas B. Deutscher, associate editor (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, c.1985-1987)
  • Philip Ford, The Judgment of Palaemon: The Contest between Neo-Latin and Vernacular Poetry in Renaissance France (Leiden: Brill, 2013)
  • Philip Ford and Ingrid De Smet, eds, Eros et Priapus: Erotisme et obscénité dans la littérature néo-latine (Geneva: Droz, 1997)
  • Yasmin Haskell and Philip Hardie, eds, Poets and Teachers: Latin Didactic Poetry and the Didactic Authority of the Latin Poet from the Renaissance to the Present (Bari: Levante, 1999)​
  • Jozef IJsewijn,Companion to Neo-Latin Studies, Part I, History and Diffusion of Neo-Latin Literature. Second entirely rewritten edition by Jozef IJsewijn (Leuven: Leuven University Press, 1990)​
  • Jozef IJsewijn,Companion to Neo-Latin Studies, Part II, Literary, Linguistic, Philological and Editorial Questions. Second entirely rewritten edition by Jozef IJsewijn with Dirk Sacré (Leuven: Leuven University Press, 1998)
  • Ann Moss, Renaissance Truth and the Latin Language Turn (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003)
  • Renaissance Latin Verse: An Anthology, compiled and edited by Alessandro Perosa and John Sparrow (London: Duckworth, 1979) [ML6.V.41]
  • Paul van Tieghem, 'La Littérature latine de la Renaissance: étude d'histoire littéraire européenne', Bibliothèque d'Humanisme et Renaissance, IV (1944), 177-418; repr. Geneva, 1966


Secondary reading

  • De Beer, S., K. Enenkel & D. Rijser (eds) The Neo-Latin Epigram: A Learned and Witty Genre (Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2009)
  • Hutton, J., The Greek Anthology in France (Ithaca, 1946)
  • Lake Prescott, A., ‘English Writers and Beza’s Latin Epigrams: The Uses and Abuses of Poetry’, Studies in the Renaissance, 21 (1974), 83–117
  • Laurens, P. L’Abeille dans l’ambre: Célébration de l’epigramme de l’époque alexandrine à la fin de la Renaissance (Paris: Belles Lettres, 1989)
  • Machard, A., ‘Recherches sur la Querelle des Juvenilia’, in Les ‘Juvenilia’ de Théodore de​ Bèze, ed. by A. Machard (Paris, 1879; repr. Geneva: Slatkine, 1970), pp. xi–lxxiv
  • Randall Coats, C., ‘The Emblematic Book of the Self: Théodore de Bèze’s Icones’, Neophilologus, 76 (1992), 175–85
  • Shaw, D. ‘Les Tumuli Francisci Primi de Théodore de Bèze’, Bibliothèque d’Humanisme et Renaissance, 40 (1978), 576-73
  • Stevenson, H., ‘Théodore de Bèze’s Conception of the Elegy’, French Studies Bulletin, 111 (summer 2009), 38–43
  • White, P. ‘Representation and Illusion in the Elegies of Théodore de Bèze’, French Studies 66 (2012), 1-11


  • John Durkan, Bibliography of George Buchanan (Glasgow: at the University Press, 1994)
  • Philip Ford, George Buchanan, Prince of Poets; with an Edition (Text, Translation and Commentary) of the Miscellaneorum Liber (Aberdeen: Aberdeen University Press, 1982)
  • Paul J. McGinnis and Arthur H. Williamson, George Buchanan, the Political Poetry (Edinburgh: Scottish History Society, 1995)

Secondary reading

  • I. D. McFarlane, Buchanan (London: Duckworth, 1981): indispensible.
  • Philip Ford, The Judgment of Palaemon: The Contest between Neo-Latin and Vernacular Poetry in Renaissance France (Leiden: Brill, 2013)
  • Philip Ford and Roger Green, eds, George Buchanan: Poet and Dramatist (Swansea: The Classical Press of Wales, 2009): a wide-ranging collection of essays, with useful bibliographies.

See also the introductions to the following editions of Buchanan’s works:

  • P. Sharrat and P. G. Walsh, George Buchanan’s Tragedies (Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press, 1983)
  • Robert Crawford, ed., Apollos of the North: Selected Poems of George Buchanan and Arthur Johnston (Polygon, 2006): contains a generous introduction.
  • R. P. H. Green, ed., George Buchanan: Poetic Paraphrases of the Psalms of David (Geneva: Droz, 2011)


The seminars will focus on texts from the following selection:

  • Hale, J. K., ed. and trans., John Milton: Latin writings, a selection (Assen: Van Gorcum, 1998)

There are various other editions of Milton’s Latin available, including:

  • Carey, John, ed., The Complete Shorter Poems, 2nd edn (London: Longmans, 1997)​
  • Revard, S. (ed.) and Revard, L. (trans.), John Milton: complete shorter poems (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009)
  • MacKellar, Walter, ed., The Latin Poems of John Milton, Cornell Studies in English, 15 (New Haven: Yale University Press for Cornell University, London: Oxford University Press, 1930): parallel texts with notes.
  • Milton’s Lament for Damon, trans. Walter Skeat, ed. E. H. Visiak (London: Oxford University Press, 1935): includes the Elegiae and Sylvae with English verse translations attempting a Miltonic idiom.
  • [The Pangegyric of Christina] Frank Allen Patterson (General Editor), The Works of John Milton, The Colum­bia Edition, VIII, pp. 102-109
  • Cooper, Lane, ed., A Concordance of the Latin, Greek, and Italian Poems of John Milton (Halle: Max Niermeyer, 1923)
  • Bush, Douglas, ed., A Variorum Commentary on The Poems of John Milton. Vol. I: The Latin and Greek Poems (New York: Columbia University Press, 1970)
  • Sutton, Dana F., ed., ‘John Milton’s In Quintum Novembris (1626)’, hypertext edn:

Secondary reading

(See also NL1 reading list for Milton’s Epitaphium Damonis, and ‘General’ under the British Neo-Latinists)

  • Campbell, G. and Corns, T. N., John Milton: life, work, and thought (Oxford: OUP, 2008)
  • Ralph W. Condee, ‘The Latin Poetry of John Milton’, in The Latin Poetry of English Poets, ed. J. W. Binns (London: Routledge, 1974)
  • Corns, Thomas N., ‘Ideology in the Poemata (1645)’, Milton Studies, 19 (1984), 195-203.
  • Danielson, D., ed., The Cambridge Companion to Milton (Cambridge: CUP, 1999)
  • Di Cesare, M. A., ed. Milton in Italy (Binghamton, NY: MRTS, 1991)​
  • Durocher, Richard J., Milton Among the Romans: The Pedagogy and Influence of Milton's Latin Curriculum (Duquesne University Press, 2001)
  • Freeman, J. and Low, A., eds., Urbane Milton: the Latin poems: Milton Studies, 19 (1984): useful bibliography.​
  • Haan, E., ‘Milton’s In Quintum Novembris and the Anglo-Latin gunpowder epic’, Humanistica Lovaniensia, 41 and 42 (1992 and 1993)
  • Hale, J. K., ‘Milton Plays with Ovid’, Milton Studies, 25 (1989), 3-19
  • Hale, J. K., Milton’s Languages (Cambridge: CUP, 1997)
  • Hale, J. K., Milton’s Cambridge Latin (Tempe, AZ: MRTS, 2005)
  • Hubbard, T. K., The Pipes of Pan: Intertextuality and Literary Filiation in the Pastoral Tradition from Theocritus to Milton (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1998)​
  • Kajanto, Iiro, Christina Heroina: Mythological and Historical Exemplification in the Latin​ Panegyrics on Christina Queen of Sweden (Helsinki, 1993)
  • Koehler, Stanley, Milton and the Roman Elegists: a Study of Milton's Latin Poems in Their Relation to the Latin Love Elegy (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1967)
  • Low, Anthony, ‘The Unity of Milton’s Elegia Sexta’, English Literary Renaissance, 11 (1981), 213-23​
  • Martz, L L., Milton, poet of exile (New Haven and London: Yale UP, 1986)
  • Moseley, C. W. R. D., The Poetic Birth: Milton’s Poems of 1645 (Menston: Scolar Press, 1991)
  • Parker, W. R. (rev. G. Campbell), Milton: a biography (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996)
  • Quint, David, ‘Milton, Fletcher, and the Gunpowder Plot’ [In Quintum Novembris], Journal​ of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 54 (1991), 261-68
  • Rand, E. K., ‘Milton in Rustication’ [Elegia Sexta], Studies in Philology, 19 (1922), 109-35​
  • Revard, S., Milton and the tangles of Neaera’s hair: the making of the 1645 poems (Columbia: Univ. of Missouri Press, 1997)


  • Jacopo Sannazaro, Latin Poetry, translated by Michael C. J. Putnam, the I Tatti Renaissance Library (Cambridge, MA and London: Harvard University Press, 2009), pp. 102-141 [Jacopo Sannazaro, Piscatorial Eclogues and other writings are also available at the following URL: and [but you have to enter it through the home page. The edition of the Piscatory Ecologues by W. P. Mustard (1914) contains some useful notes, and there is a modern edition by Stelio Maria Martini, with notes and Italian translation (Salerno, 1995). See also, more generally Opere di Jacopo Sannazaro, ed. E. Carrara (Turin, 1952).]
  • Paul Alpers, What is Pastoral? (Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1996)
  • Paul Alpers, The singer of the ‘Eclogues’: a study of Virgilian pastoral (Berkeley and London: University of California Press, 1979)
  • Paul Alpers, ‘What is Pastoral?’, Critical Inquiry, 8.3 (1982), 437-60
  • Susanna de Beer, Karl A. E. Enenkel, and David Rijser, eds, The Neo-Latin Epigram: A Learned and Witty Genre, Supplementa Humanistica Lovaniensia 25 (Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2009)
  • Helen Cooper, Pastoral: Mediaeval into Renaissance (Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 1977)
  • Robert Cummings, 'Sannazaro and the Crisis of English Poetry', in Neo-Latin and the​ Pastoral, ed. Philip Ford and Andrew Taylor, special issue of Canadian Review of Comparative Literature, 33 (2006), pp. 194-216
  • L. Gualdo Rosa, ‘A prosposito degli Epigrammi Latini del Sannazaro’, in Acta Conventus​ Neo-Latini Amstelodamensis, ed. P. Tuynman, G. Kuiper, and E. Kessler (Munich, 1979), pp. 453-76
  • S. K. Heninger, Jr., ‘The Renaissance Perversion of Pastoral, Journal of the History of​ Ideas, 22.2 (1961), 254-261 (available on JSTOR)
  • T. K. Hubbard, The Pipes of Pan: Intertextuality and Literary Filiation in the Pastoral Tradition from Theocritus to Milton (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1998)
  • T. K. Hubbard, ‘Exile from Arcadia: Sannazaro’s Piscatory Eclogues’, in Pastoral​ Palimpsests: Essays on the Reception of Theocritus and Virgil = Rethymnon Classical​ Studies, 3 (2007), 59-77
  • William J. Kennedy, Jacopo Sannazaro and the Uses of Pastoral (Hanover and London: University Press of New England, 1983)
  • Ellen Zetzel Lambert, Placing Sorrow: A Study of the Pastoral Elegy Convention from ​Theocritus to Milton (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1976)
  • I. D. McFarlane, ‘Neo-Latin Literature and the Pastoral’, Forum for Modern Language Studies, 3 (1967), 95-114
  • F. J. Nichols, ‘The Development of Neo-Latin Theory of the Pastoral in the Sixteenth Century’, Humanistica Lovaniensia, 18 (1969), 95-114
  • Thomas G. Rosenmeyer, The Green Cabinet: Theocritus and the European Pastoral Lyric (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1969)
  • N. D. Smith, ‘Jacopo Sannazaro’s Eclogae Piscatoriae (1526) and the “Pastoral Debate” in Eighteenth-Century England’, Studies in Philology, 99 (2002), 432-50
  • Raymond Williams, The Country and the City (London: Chatto and Windus, 1973; Hogarth Press, 1985)
  • C. Vecce, ‘Multiplex hic anquis: Gli epigrammi di Sannazaro contro Poliziano’,​ Rinascimento, 30 (1990), 235-55
  • C. Vecce, Iacopo Sannazaro in Francia (Padua, 1998)