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SP12 Lecture List

var fullMichTerm = new Date("October 8, 2013"); //Insert date of Full Michaelmas Term Here var fullLentTerm = new Date("January 14, 2014"); //Insert date of Full Lent Term Here var one_day=1000*60*60*24; //One day in milliseconds!! function nextLecture() { if ((thisLecture.getTime() - lastLecture.getTime()) / one_day == 1) { thisLecture = new Date(thisLecture.getFullYear(), thisLecture.getMonth(), thisLecture.getDate() + 6); lastLecture = new Date(lastLecture.getFullYear(), lastLecture.getMonth(), lastLecture.getDate() + 1); } else { thisLecture = new Date(thisLecture.getFullYear(), thisLecture.getMonth(), thisLecture.getDate() + 1); lastLecture = new Date(lastLecture.getFullYear(), lastLecture.getMonth(), lastLecture.getDate() + 6); } document.write(thisLecture.getDate() + "-" + (thisLecture.getMonth() + 1 + " ")); } document.write=function(s){ var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script'); var lastScript = scripts[scripts.length-1]; lastScript.insertAdjacentHTML("beforebegin", s); }

SP12 Lecture Course document.write(fullMichTerm.getFullYear() + "-" + fullLentTerm.getFullYear());

Lectures take place on *Thursdays 11am* and *Wednesdays 2pm*.

The Lecture List for LENT TERM 2014 is now correct.

Michaelmas Term document.write(fullMichTerm.getFullYear());

var fullTerm = fullMichTerm; var lastLecture = new Date(fullTerm.getFullYear(), fullTerm.getMonth(), fullTerm.getDate() - 5); var thisLecture = new Date(fullTerm.getFullYear(), fullTerm.getMonth(), fullTerm.getDate() + 1); Week Thursdays 11am (Venue tba) Wednesdays 2pm (Venue tba)


nextLecture(); Narrativa de la tierra 1: Rómulo Gallegos Doña Bárbara; Ricardo Güiraldes, Don Segundo Sombra (ES) nextLecture(); Juan Rulfo, Pedro Páramo (SB)


nextLecture(); Narrativa de la tierra 2: José Eustasio Rivera, La vorágine; Rómulo Gallegos, Canaima (RO) nextLecture(); Modernismo: Rubén Darío (SB)


nextLecture(); The Short Story 1: Jorge Luis Borges (EK) nextLecture(); The Short Story 2: Augusto Monterroso, Obras completas (y otros cuentos), Movimiento perpetuo (LB)


nextLecture(); Alejo Carpentier, Los pasos perdidos, El siglo de las luces (RO) nextLecture(); HT Experimental Fiction 1: Carlos Fuentes, Cambio de piel and Julio Cortázar, Rayuela (SB)


nextLecture(); HT   nextLecture(); (no lecture or rescheduled lecture)


nextLecture(); Escritura femenina 2: María Luisa Bombal, La amortajada; Rosario Castellanos, El eterno femenino (ES) nextLecture(); Representing the City: Roberto Arlt, Los siete locos; Juan Carlos Onetti, Tierra de nadie (RO)


nextLecture(); (no lecture or rescheduled lecture) nextLecture(); (no lecture or rescheduled lecture)


nextLecture(); (no lecture or rescheduled lecture) nextLecture(); (no lecture or rescheduled lecture)


Lent Term document.write(fullLentTerm.getFullYear());

var fullTerm = fullLentTerm; var lastLecture = new Date(fullTerm.getFullYear(), fullTerm.getMonth(), fullTerm.getDate() - 5); var thisLecture = new Date(fullTerm.getFullYear(), fullTerm.getMonth(), fullTerm.getDate() + 1); Week Thursdays 11am (LB9) Wednesdays 2pm (LB11)


nextLecture(); The Short Story 3: Augusto Monterroso, Obras completas (y otros cuentos), Movimiento perpetuo (RO) nextLecture(); Poesía de vanguardia 2 / Poesía política 1: César Vallejo (SB)


nextLecture(); (rescheduled lecture)
nextLecture(); Escritura femenina 2: Armonía Somers, La mujer desnuda; Marta Traba, Las ceremonías del verano (GK)


nextLecture(); Visual Identities: Frida Kahlo, Tina Modotti (ES) nextLecture(); Octavio Paz, Libertad bajo palabra (SB)


nextLecture(); (no lecture or rescheduled lecture) nextLecture(); Experimental Fiction 2: Juan Carlos Onetti, La vida breve and Mario Vargas Llosa, La casa verde (SB)


nextLecture(); Representing the City 2: Invasión (BE) nextLecture(); Women’s Poetry: Alfonsina Storni and Alejandra Pizarnik (GK)


nextLecture(); Supervision-Seminar I: Frida Kahlo continued (ES) nextLecture(); (no lecture or rescheduled lecture)


nextLecture(); Supervision-Seminar II : Muralism: specific cycles by Rivera, Orozco and Siqueiros (ES) nextLecture(); (no lecture or rescheduled lecture)


nextLecture(); (no lecture or rescheduled lecture) nextLecture(); (no lecture or rescheduled lecture)


ES = Erica Segre, EK = Ed King, BE = Brad Epps, SB = Steven Boldy, RO = Rory O’Bryen, GK = Geoffrey Kantaris, JP = Joanna Page