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SP13 Lecture List 2013-14

var fullMichTerm = new Date("October 8, 2013"); //Insert date of Full Michaelmas Term Here
var fullLentTerm = new Date("January 14, 2014"); //Insert date of Full Lent Term Here
var one_day=1000*60*60*24; //One day in milliseconds!!
function nextLecture() {
if ((thisLecture.getTime() - lastLecture.getTime()) / one_day == 3) {
thisLecture = new Date(thisLecture.getFullYear(), thisLecture.getMonth(), thisLecture.getDate() + 4);
lastLecture = new Date(lastLecture.getFullYear(), lastLecture.getMonth(), lastLecture.getDate() + 3); }
else {
thisLecture = new Date(thisLecture.getFullYear(), thisLecture.getMonth(), thisLecture.getDate() + 3);
lastLecture = new Date(lastLecture.getFullYear(), lastLecture.getMonth(), lastLecture.getDate() + 4); }
document.write(thisLecture.getDate() + "-" + (thisLecture.getMonth() + 1 + " "));
var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
var lastScript = scripts[scripts.length-1];
lastScript.insertAdjacentHTML("beforebegin", s);

SP13 Lecture Course document.write(fullMichTerm.getFullYear() + "-" + fullLentTerm.getFullYear());

Lectures take place on *Fridays 2pm*, *Tuesdays 1pm*, so you must keep these times free in your timetable.

Michaelmas is INCORRECT. This lecture list is now correct for the LENT TERM 2014

Michaelmas Term document.write(fullMichTerm.getFullYear());

var fullTerm = fullMichTerm;
var lastLecture = new Date(fullTerm.getFullYear(), fullTerm.getMonth(), fullTerm.getDate() - 4);
var thisLecture = new Date(fullTerm.getFullYear(), fullTerm.getMonth(), fullTerm.getDate() + 0);
Fridays 2pm (Venue tba) Tuesdays 1pm (Venue tba)


nextLecture(); Popular Culture 1: Introduction and Manuel Puig (SB) nextLecture(); Testimonio 1: Biografía de un cimarrón, Rigoberta Menchú (RO)


nextLecture(); Urban Cinema 1: La vendedora de rosas, Amores perros and Cidade de Deus (GK) nextLecture(); Popular Culture 2: Alberto Fuguet et al., McOndo (EK)


nextLecture();   nextLecture(); Escritura femenina 1: Diamela Eltit (EK)


nextLecture(); (rescheduled lecture - see 23rd Nov) nextLecture();

Decline & Fall of the Lettered City 1: Roberto Bolaño,  Estrella distante and Literatura Nazi en América  (RO)


Roberto Bolaño: Amuleto, Nocturno de Chile (RO) nextLecture(); Decline & Fall of the Lettered City 2:
Carlos Fuentes, Cristóbal nonato and La voluntad y la fortuna (SB)


nextLecture(); Post-Boom Detective Fiction: Santiago Gamboa, Perder es cuestión de método; Luis Ospina, Soplo de vida [film] (GK) nextLecture(); (no lecture or rescheduled lecture)


nextLecture(); (no lecture or rescheduled lecture) nextLecture(); (no lecture or rescheduled lecture)


nextLecture(); Pathways of Memory and Testimony: Doris Salcedo, Ana Mendieta (ES) nextLecture(); (no lecture or rescheduled lecture)


Lent Term document.write(fullLentTerm.getFullYear());

var fullTerm = fullLentTerm;
var lastLecture = new Date(fullTerm.getFullYear(), fullTerm.getMonth(), fullTerm.getDate() - 4);
var thisLecture = new Date(fullTerm.getFullYear(), fullTerm.getMonth(), fullTerm.getDate() + 0);
Fridays 2pm (LB10) Tuesdays 1pm (LB10)


nextLecture(); Decline & Fall of the Lettered City 2: Vallejo  (RO) nextLecture(); (no lecture or rescheduled lecture)


nextLecture(); Post-Dictatorship Argentine Cinema 3: Alejandro Agresti, Boda secreta and Albertina Carri, Los rubios (JP) nextLecture(); Queer Textualities 1/La novela de la dictadura 1: Cristina Peri Rossi, La nave de los locos and Luisa Valenzuela, Cola de lagartija (GK)


nextLecture(); Urban Cinema 2 / Post-Dictatorship Argentine Cinema 3: Moebius and La sonámbula (GK)
nextLecture(); Escritura femenina 2: Margo Glantz (ES)


nextLecture(); La novela de la dictadura 2: García Márquez, El otoño del patriarca, Roa Bastos, Yo el supremo (SB) nextLecture(); Queer Textualities 3: Perlongher, Arenas (BE)


nextLecture(); (no lecture or rescheduled lecture) nextLecture(); César Aira, Ema, la cautiva, Cómo me hice monja (SB)


nextLecture(); (no lecture or rescheduled lecture) nextLecture(); (no lecture or rescheduled lecture)


nextLecture(); (no lecture or rescheduled lecture) nextLecture(); (no lecture or rescheduled lecture)


nextLecture(); (no lecture or rescheduled lecture) nextLecture(); (no lecture or rescheduled lecture)


ES = Erica Segre, EK = Ed King, SB = Steven Boldy, RO = Rory O’Bryen, GK = Geoffrey Kantaris, JP = Joanna Page, BE = Brad Epps