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Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics


Dr Cecil Courtney

Emeritus Professor of French Intellectual History and Bibliography
Faculty of Modern & Medieval Languages & Linguistics
Contact details: 
Telephone number: 
(+44) (0)1223 334934

Christ's College 
St Andrew's Street 


Cecil Courtney works on French and comparative literature, intellectual history and bibliography, with special emphasis on the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. He has written widely on Montesquieu, Burke, Raynal, Isabelle de Charrière, James Boswell and Benjamin Constant. Publications include Montesquieu and Burke (Oxford, Blackwell 1963; reprinted 1975), Benjamin Constant: a bibliography to 1833 (London, MHRA, 1981), Isabelle de Charrière (Belle de Zuylen), a biography (Oxford, Voltaire Foundation 1993) and (as co-editor) the Œuvres complètes of Isabelle de Charrière (Amsterdam, 1979-1984, 10 vols.). He is General Editor of the Correspondance générale of Benjamin Constant (Tübingen, Niemeyer, 1993-, ten vols. published to date) and a member of the editorial teams working at present on the new edition of the Œuvres complètes of Montesquieu (Oxford and Naples, 1998-, twelve vols. published to date) and of the forthcoming critical edition of Raynal's Histoire philosophique des deux Indes. Work in progress includes historical bibliographies of early editions of Montesquieu and Raynal. Cecil Courtney is an Officier dans l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres, and Corresponding Member of the Académie de Bordeaux.