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Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics


Spotlight on Energy month!

February is the University's Spotlight on Energy month.

Free recycling event 

There is lots that MML has been doing to be more energy-efficient and environmentally-friendly. One of our most successful annual events is the WEEE recycling event which is taking place this year on February 29th and March 1st. MML Green Committee member Jamie Brittain is the driving force behind this one. You can recycle anything with a plug or a battery - just bring it to the Sidgwick Site car park any time from 7.30am on either of those two days. If you need to drop something off earlier please email Nan Taplin and to sort it out. Please see the event poster for more information.

MML action

As a result of energy audits conducted regularly in the Faculty, some very positive steps have been taken, and will continue to be taken:

  • Facilities Management have replaced the old diffusers so lighting is improved without any additional use of energy
  • All the fridges were cleaned and defrosted over Christmas so they are now running more efficiently
  • We have replaced the old vending machine with a new one which has power-saving features, is more efficient than the old one, and is sited in a better-ventilated area, thereby also using less energy
  • We are about to fit timers to the water coolers so they are not pumping out energy overnight when the building is hardly occupied. For the night owls amongst you, do not worry! The coolers will still work and the water will still be cold, just not super-cooled.

A few reminders:

  • Want to know what you can recycle…? Visit the A-Z of recycling
  • You’ve noticed a dripping tap? Please report it (or any other maintenance issues) to the Facilities Management team: 
  • Please avoid using disposable cups if you can. Bring in your own mug or water bottle instead! 
  • Use old envelopes for UMS mail in preference to new ones.There is a stash of envelopes for everyone’s use on top of the UMS letterbox in the first floor lobby.
  • There is a box for your energy-saving suggestions in the Faculty Office. Best suggestion wins a cake! Deadline February 29th.  

And for those with offices in the RFB:

  • While the weather is so cold, please drop the blinds at night to help to keep the heat in.
  • Please turn off ALL lights and equipment in your office at the end of the day. Right off - not just on standby.
  • Try not to have boxes, furniture etc. in front of pipes and radiators. Let the heat circulate and avoid a fire risk.
  • If you have the option to teleconference or Skype in preference to travelling please consider doing so. Most RFB phones can easily be set up to conference in three or more people. 
  • And if you must travel, please remember that we have a Sidgwick Site travel plan with lots of useful information. I have attached it here for your reference.

Keep in touch


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